Updates to MarketView360º
MarketView360º has been designed especially for Office Managers and Brokers. It allows you to examine the agent performance and productivity for residential sales, as well as the market share for all offices, firms and agents. MarketView 360º introduces new metrics and capabilities that are not available in Matrix or SmartCharts Pro.At a glance you can:
- View your office's share of new listings in your market, closed sides and dollar volume of sales.
- View a list of top-performing agents by closed sales turns into a great target list for recruitment.
- Search productivity by any of the following: Listing/Office County, Listing/Office ZIP Code, Office ID, Agent ID, Agent Name, Transaction or $ Volume Range, Start/End Date.
- Report results can be displayed on screen or exported as PDF or Excel documents.
Check out the latest updates for the MarketView360°:- We've made multi-select navigation easier!
- You can choose multiple counties
- You can easily reset or deselect options
- Search faster with the alphabetical view
- Top Navigation
- Usability Enhancements to see the agent detail, office summary, and other data easier
- Cleaner design and easier way to navigate
- Graphs Page updated
- More user friendly and easier to see
- We've added color differentiation to highlight data
- We increased the size of the graphs to make viewing easier
- Agent Details Page updated
- Easier to sort columns and see more data on the same page.
- Easier to read more information with less scrolling