ShowingTime Listing Widget
In some markets, ShowingTime works with the MLS to display showing and feedback data for a listing.

The listing widget shows:
- The number of showings in the last seven days.
- The number of showings in the last thirty days.
- The total number of showings.
- The number of feedback requests received/published.
- As the listing or co-listing agent, you will see the total number of feedback responses received.
- The seller viewing the page will only see the total number of feedback responses published.
Sellers may also be able to access the MLS detail sheet where the listing widget is displayed. In these instances:
Other agents will not be able to access this report.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who can see this widget on my listing?
The Listing Agent and any co-listing agents will see the widget. In some markets, a seller portal may allow the seller of the listing to see it. Other agents including buyer's agents will not see the widget.
I don't see anything on my listing. What can I do?
This feature is not available in all markets. You can reach out to... for more detail.
You mentioned sellers having access to the MLS detail. What do you mean?
Some Multiple Listing Services provide a public site for sellers to access their listing details. In this case, the seller will only see statistics for their listing.
Where can I find this widget?
You can find the widget on the listing detail page. Please be aware that each MLS may place the widget in a different location.
Will I see this on mobile?
The widget is available for integration with the MLS's mobile offerings.
Is my data secure?
Yes. ShowingTime works with the MLS to encrypt and secure the data.