Do You Support Coming Soon Listings?
In some markets, you may see a listing with a status of COMING SOON. These listings can sync over to ShowingTime to track requests and demand. Showings can be requested immediately but the appointment cannot be scheduled sooner than the Showing Start Date.
When the listing is synced into ShowingTime, an Appointment Rule is automatically added that will allow agents to schedule appointments for any date after the showings start date.

Unlike manually added rules this one will not have a rule name.

When changes are made to the listing (such as adding a rule), information is tracked in the Listing Change Log. Coming Soon restrictions will be entered by the System user. You can review this log to see any of the changes that have occurred on your listing.
When the listing is synced into ShowingTime, an Appointment Rule is automatically added that will allow agents to schedule appointments for any date after the showings start date.

Unlike manually added rules this one will not have a rule name.
We recommend not removing or editing this rule.
This rule will automatically vanish on the showings start date. You can add other rules to your listing if needed.
When changes are made to the listing (such as adding a rule), information is tracked in the Listing Change Log. Coming Soon restrictions will be entered by the System user. You can review this log to see any of the changes that have occurred on your listing.